Nathan's First Days


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Nathan doesn't know whats commming Nathan doesn't want to come out Yea, that's gross.  Give him some air. Nathan meets Mom Nathan meets dad Nathan mets grandpa Alan Nathan mets aunt Jenn The sisters Nathan meets Aunt Amy Nathan meets Grandma Judy and Grandpa Seymour Heather beat out Melissa by 18 hrs Nathan continplating how he will get me back Seymour actually holds Nathan Judy with Nathan Hey, my dad didn't even hold me as a new born. Mark and Michelle meet there sons future play mate CJ's fist meeting of Nathan.  She has not cared since. Who would ever figure? Cousin Alexander hanging out Cousin Devin hanging out He has no idea he is about to be Circumcised He really doesn't know what's comming Why not get drunk before they chop your penis Toby letting Nathan share his bed

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